Originally from Northern California, Mariah Harkey is an award-winning filmmaker and content creator now based in Los Angeles, California. She has spent the last 8+ years shooting unique short-form social video for Instagram, Youtube, Facebook and now TikTok. Her content style is colorful, quirky and often people focused. In 2018, she sailed around the world to 11 countries in 4 months as Semester at Sea’s on-ship documentary videographer In 2022 was the BTS shooter/producer for MTV’s new travel series “SAMPLED” - now streaming on Paramount+ From 2022-2024, she has shot short-form video content on over 30+ in-house music festival teams And in 2024, she co-founded YEAH THE VIDEO GIRLS, a collective of all-women videographers and hybrid shooters, alongside her colleague Jackie Catechis Today, she creates social video content for brands, artists, events, influencers and travel/tourism companies and campaigns.
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